Kamis, 03 September 2015

Taman Rekreasi dan Sengkaling Food Festival

     SFF is a new tourist icon in the unfortunate established in areas Recreation Park Sengkaling (TRS)The concept of merging with the Culinary Recreation Park, supported the setting Site Plan, Building Design, Structuring Outlet and Lighting Systems are qualified so as to give the impression of sensational unforgettable.SFF occupies an area of 3 hectares in front of the TRS, the location is strategically located on the highway between Malang-Batu. SFF also provides hundreds of tenants serving a variety of quality menu at a price that is affordable for all people. SFF is open every day starting at 4:00 pm. to 23:00 pm. except Saturday and Sunday SFF open starting at 12:00 to 23:00 pm. SFF soft opening was held on 15 July 2014.
            SFF organizes TRS purpose is to change the public image that the TRS is and will always change with the development of tourism in Malang. TRS will transform turn into a modern recreation park, which will re-form the top destinations for tourists. Grand Design and Masterplan TRS has been created. The early stages of the Masterplan is SFF, has begun to be realized as a commitment TRS or tourists address community needs and challenges of the times.

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